Samantha Rabino


About Me

Hi, I’m Samie! Sometimes I’m also known as Sam, and other times I go as Samantha… but you can call me your friend! I’m keen on project management, motion graphics, and fostering a sense of belonging. In my time at UTD, I’m proud to have been a project manager for two award-winning CG short films and to have founded the (currently) only Asian-interest sorority on campus. I hope to one day facilitate creative storytelling for film by women of color, starring women of color. Nothing brightens up my day like a good arts and crafts project, singing loudly, or a freshly baked chocolate-chip cookie.


Project Description

Your Body is a Garden is a charity zine with the goal of raising awareness about body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs). The zine features original illustrated and written work that centers on the following motifs: plants, self-love, and BFRBs. Proceeds go to The TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors.


What is one piece of advice you would provide to new ATEC students?

The best way to get involved and make friends is to join clubs. Clubs are usually hungry for new members, but you have to put yourself out there first. In addition to trying to get professional experience through occupation-related organizations, try to join clubs for activities or causes that just make you happy!


What’s your favorite memory of ATEC?

Nothing compares to the premiere night we had in person for the 2019 CG short film, Stargazer. It was touching to see all of the hard work everyone on the animation lab crew had poured into the film on a fancy big screen. The production crew really rolled out the red carpet for the crew and their guests at this event. The after party for the crew was lots of fun, too! It felt as if all of our hard work had paid off.