David Hobson

About Me

Hey Yall! My name is David Hobson, I am a 3d Designer, architecture enthusiast, and avid cook. I grew up just up the road in Frisco, Texas so I’m never too far from home. While I usually work alone, I love getting with groups and discussing ideas from design to weird history facts. I am interested in Digital Fabrication, Architecture, and all the history behind it. Outside of this, im almost always in the kitchen throwing something together, from food to obscure drinks.

Project Description

My memorial will encapsulate the hardships/trials faced by *insert group here* while paying homage respectfully. I want it to both blend in to the buildings around it, while staying eye catching enough to bring an audience.


What will you miss most about UTD after graduation?

The open campus. It’s all in my favorite style of architecture and I can wander for days.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Either in some firm helping designing buildings or in a shop building stuff with my hands.