Huda Ahmad



About Me

Hello! My name is Huda. I’m a graphic designer and aspiring comic artist with a fondness for cozy spaces, glowing things, and rustic books. Whether I’m working on a small personal piece or a big team project, I always try to find the fun within the process as I learn new things and take part in the stories that come out from the venture. I love connecting the dots to a thrilling tale and having others partake in the excitement, hence why I hope to one day publish my own comic. On the side I also enjoy photography, caring for animals (like my loud Cockatiel friend, Ponyo), going on nature walks, and lightly dabbling in other hobbies like soap making.


Project Description

This project is a collection of altered images that combine movies or classical fairytales, like Little Red Riding Hood, with Muslim characters. It is aimed at depicting roles for Muslim women that go beyond the realm of what they wear and instead focus on the stories they have to share.


What will you miss most about UTD after graduation?

I’ll miss the community within UTD. I enjoyed the fact that you could meet with other students and soon find yourselves bouncing ideas off of each other and aiding in personal projects by providing advice or just messing around with details. The environment was open-minded and friendly, allowing many people to grow and learn from each other while also forming a space that allowed for creativity.


What’s your favorite memory of ATEC?

Doing an all-nighter for a long project and laughing uncontrollably halfway through with my groupmate over tiny things because of how tired we were. The resulting project was satisfying and rewarding and the hour of sleep after was divine.