Nikki Chauhan

About Me

Hiya! My name is Nikki. I’m a graphic design and digital fabrication artist as well as a resin enthusiast and cat lover. I love getting to educate people about design and inform about the ACA certification tests which I have achieved with Photoshop and Illustrator as well as just learning about other people’s interests. Outside of school, you can find me hanging out or talking to friends or usually playing World of Warcraft or other online games.

Project Description

Mind of a Day Thinker is a Mixed Media sculpture consisting of laser cut pieces made of Oak wall panels decorated with a resin and yarn. The project and consists of a central piece with accompanying branched pieces.

What are you most looking forward to after the pandemic?

Finally seeing my friends and their pets who I miss dearly.

What’s on your music playlist?

I look like someone who listens to girly pop and while I do have some Taylor Swift and the like I generally enjoy a lot of Rock and Metal such as Brothers of Metal, Beast in Black or Eluveitie.